Peninsula grammar Uniform shop
Uniform shop
Welcome to our online shopping experience.
Opening hours for the Uniform Shop and collection of “Click and Collect” orders are Monday, Wednesday, Friday (8am - 11am) during term time only.
Appointments are available on a Wednesday only from 8.00am - 11.00am.
To book an appointment please click on the button below
Our onsite Uniform Shop is situated immediately to the right of the main entrance (Gate 2) within our school campus.

Peninsula Grammar Uniform Shop
At the Uniform Shop we sell the complete range of the Peninsula Grammar Academic and Sports Uniform (excluding shoes).
“Click and Collect” orders that have been placed online are also collected from our onsite shop.
The Uniform Shop currently carries limited stock of some of our pre 2024 Academic uniform for purchase.
The opening hours for the Uniform Shop and collection of “Click and Collect” orders are Monday, Wednesday, Friday (8am - 11am) during term time only.
We would also like to advise that although our onsite shop is no longer accepting second-hand uniform, we do have an association with the Sustainable School Shop. Please find the link below.